A Secure e-Voting Architecture
A. Sodiya, S. Onashoga, David Ifeoluwa Adelani
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations
The constant development in computer technology now gives rise to an efficient way of using computer or electronic medium of voting. However, it is being faced with the problem of non-anonymity, coercion and bribery. In this paper, elliptic curve is combined with ElGamal cryptosystem to enhance the security of e-voting architecture. Several points from (x, y) coordinates from elliptic curve are used instead of using a large integer along with ElGamal encryption that is based on probabilistic encryption (produces several cipher texts) which is used to ensure anonymity, non-coercion and receipt-freeness. A voter can also revote to find an appropriate answer to coercion at another location. With the proposed architecture, e-voting system should be fair.