Reading Group
The McGill NLP reading group hosts speaker presentations and NLP-related discussions in a hybrid fashion at Mila. It is called the McGill NLP reading group for historical reasons, but actively gathers NLP researchers from different Mila-affiliated research institutes across Montreal (McGill University, University of Montreal, etc.).
The current organizers are Cesare Spinoso and Ori Ernst. For more information about the reading group or for requests to join the mailing list, send an e-mail to the organizers at compling-owner at cs dot mcgill dot ca
. For spam filtering reasons, you will need to reply to a confirmation e-mail. Note that this mailing list is used for people outside of Mila. If you already have a Mila email, you will automatically receive reading group announcements through the mila-event-announcement
mailing list.
For the Winter 2025 semester, the reading group will meet every other week on Fridays at 1PM (with some exceptions to be expected). Meetings will be held in a hybrid fashion. More information including room locations, Zoom link and Google calendar link will be found in the emails we will send announcing speakers/discussion topics both to the Mila-wide email and the CompLing mailing list. Below is a tentative schedule of speakers/topics for the semester. It is actively updated. All times are in ET.
Date @ Time | Speaker(s) | Topic | More Information |
January 31st @ 3PM | Group Discussion | NLP Roundtable: Where have we been and where are we going? | click here |
February 21st @ 1PM | Group Discussion | NLP Roundtable: The Reviewing Process | click here |
February 28th @ 1PM | Amal Zouaq | LLMs/VLMs and Nonparametric Memory | click here |
March 14th @ 1PM | Muhammad Umair | AI Conversationalists know what to say but not when to speak | click here |
March 21st @ 1PM | Group Discussion Led by Sara Vera Marjanovic | NLP Roundtable: DeepSeek | click here |
The McGill NLP reading group was originally started by Prof. Jackie Cheung in the summer of 2015 at McGill and was originally called the Computational Linguistics (CompLing) reading group. In 2019, the CompLing reading group (McGill-specific) merged with the Language Understanding reading group (Mila-wide) to become what it is today. Previous reading group organizers have been: Jackie Cheung (2015), Jad Kabbara (2016), Ali Emami (2017), Yue Dong (2018), Kushal Arora (2019), Aishik Chakraborty (2020), Ian Porada (2021), Arian Hosseini (2019 to 2023) and Vaibhav Adlakha (2022 to 2024).
Previous semester schedules of the reading group: